Ten Thousand Things

TENTHOUSANDTHINGS is a collection of fine jewellery designed by Ron Anderson and David Rees, self-taught jewellers who came to the bench after successful careers in fashion retail. From their downtown New York City atelier, they meticulously hand-craft modern heirlooms — sculptural forms in silver and gold — inspired by abstract shapes found in nature, and meant to best highlight expertly-chosen stones.

Their obsessive search for extraordinary stones recently led them to a stone carving workshop in Jaipur where David and Ron sit side-by-side with skilled craftsmen who take the duo’s wax carvings and recreate their shapes – some new, some from the archives -- completely by hand, using traditional techniques perfected over decades. During this creative collaboration, rough stones are magically reborn as luminous hand-carved shapes, with all the intended subtlety and nuance, destined to become custom composition earrings and necklaces.

"From one thing begets the ten thousand things.” 
- I Ching

This principle of infinite creativity and constant evolution guides Ron & David each day.
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